The Singing Cop

Jay Curtman - A Christian, a husband, A father, A Singer, And a Law Man - In that order.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Pavarotti & Buck Owens

Well, I didn't get to see the President! Seth hasn't been feeling to well and I knew that he would not be able to handle standing for about 6 hours. I also had a ton of studying to do. That's OK, though. Teresa, Judy, and Brent (My oldest...12) still got to go and they enjoyed it! I had the chance to see President Reagan when I was younger. I worked for the Republican Party as a teen, distributing campaign literature. Teresa and I may start working on a new CD project together. We are finding there are some songs that we can actually do together. It's hard though. It's like trying to find music for a duet between Pavarotti and Buck Owens!
I will also be working on a new project with Jack Hargraves soon. He is a very talented singer and guitarist. Well.....until I post again. Godspeed to all who stumble across this little part of my E-world!


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