The Singing Cop

Jay Curtman - A Christian, a husband, A father, A Singer, And a Law Man - In that order.

Monday, February 28, 2005

My Yoke Is Easy

Wow, it sure has been a while since I've been able to hit the old qwerty's! Well, I had to drop out of the mayoral race due to a technical difficulty. I have that issue taken care of and may run next time. Today is Seth's 3rd birthday and we are now getting ready to have a small party for him. I remembered an old Ray Charles song I heard as a kid last night...."That's Why I Chose To Sing the Blues" I always liked most of his music. Anyway, I was kind of inspired and I sat down and wrote a song in about 10 minutes. The song is called "My Yoke Is Easy" and I was told by one of my friends that it is one of the best I've done...I Dunno! If you want to hear it go to:
Well, gonna run for a while!