The Singing Cop

Jay Curtman - A Christian, a husband, A father, A Singer, And a Law Man - In that order.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Little boy with the painted toe nails feeds goats!

Well, it is September 23! That means it is the day before Teresa's birthday! I only get to have 11 days of being one year older then to speak. She turns 34 tomorow. Like I did on the 13th. You may be asking yourself..."I wonder what he got her???" Well....I'm not gonna tell :) !
I am sick as a dog tonight...I think I may have caught something at work. I am probably going to have to call in is all I can do just to sit here and type this. Teresa took the boys to the county fair tonight. I would have loved to have gone. Last year it was such a joy to see little Seth giggling as he fed the goats! Little ones do say the darndest things. Last night after our nightly ritual of telling stories, singing Sunday School songs, and praying, I put Seth in his crib for the night. He started crying and said "Daddy...can't sleep" I asked him why and he said, "I nervous!" Hmmmm....what does a 2 yr old have to be nervous about. Then again...this same kid is "sceeerd" of the moon! Seth got into our office last week and found a bottle of white-out. He then proceeded to paint every last one of his toe nails with it! Brent came home with a very good report card this week. He is doing real well. Teresa and I have to run to Park Hills monday so that I can take a National Govt. test, then we have to run back to prepare for another concert that night.
Want to meet some one interesting? Check out the link to Penguin's Ponderings at the lower right hand corner of this site. Dawn Harvey has a basket full of kids and a wonderful husband. I went to College with her back in 89-91! We lost touch for a while but then she found me on "ICQ"...which I no longer use. She is one of my trusted friends and a fair and honest critic of my music. She and her husband Rob own a computer/internet business.
Thanks to every one who has visited this little corner of my virtual world and left your digitized monicer! :)

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Seth in deep thought! Posted by Hello

Cain & Abel

Well. It's been a busy week and this is my FRIDAY....for work anyway. I recieved a very disturbing letter from a young 17 year old Baptist girl today. She is the daughter of strict Mennonite folks. They make her conform to the Mennonite ways and it bothers her because she is a Baptist and does not want to be recognized as a Mennonite. She is struggling to find God's will for her life and desprately trying to find a place to live and "surrogate" parents who are godly. Please keep her in your prayers!
Teresa has been ill lately. They think she may have at least one ulcer. The boys have been fighting lately. I am seriously considering changing their names to Cain and Abel! :) Seth can't stand it when Brent tries to tell him what to do or to take him by the hand to bring him into another room....and Brent just loves to be the BIG brother. I have 2 little sisters and I use to love to fight with the oldest of the two....she loved to fight with me too! Ahhhh, but we all grow out of that, don't we? My brother survived IVAN down in Pensecola, FL. He is staying with friends in Tallahasee now. Apparently Pensecola Christian College is temporarily closed for repairs now.
I plan on rearanging the recording studio Monday. That's the plan anyway. I need to write some new material soon too!

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Pavarotti & Buck Owens

Well, I didn't get to see the President! Seth hasn't been feeling to well and I knew that he would not be able to handle standing for about 6 hours. I also had a ton of studying to do. That's OK, though. Teresa, Judy, and Brent (My oldest...12) still got to go and they enjoyed it! I had the chance to see President Reagan when I was younger. I worked for the Republican Party as a teen, distributing campaign literature. Teresa and I may start working on a new CD project together. We are finding there are some songs that we can actually do together. It's hard though. It's like trying to find music for a duet between Pavarotti and Buck Owens!
I will also be working on a new project with Jack Hargraves soon. He is a very talented singer and guitarist. Well.....until I post again. Godspeed to all who stumble across this little part of my E-world!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Sgt. Jay Curtman - The Singing Cop Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Faith in God?

Well, it has been another week so I thought I might add a new post to this Blog thing! I made it through another week working at the prison. A prison is not a great place for a Christian to work but I guess it would be an even worse place for a Christian to live! Teresa and I are planning on taking the boys and Judy (my MIL) to Poplar Bluff to see the President of the United States tomorrow! I am thoroughly convinced that if God's people would vote according to His will on the moral issues (abortion, homosexual agendas) That God would bless us abundantly in all other areas! Why don't we have the faith to even see that...Let alone act upon it? It's funny how we can have the faith in God to forgive us from our sins and to provide us with an eternal home in Heaven but there is no way we will trust him with our finances! Actually, I guess it's not funny at all....kinda sad! Even so, Lord, come quickly! We will be going back to the Nazarene church near the end of this month to sing for their revival service. I hope we can get around the poor sound system....guess I just need faith. LOL!