The Singing Cop

Jay Curtman - A Christian, a husband, A father, A Singer, And a Law Man - In that order.

Monday, October 25, 2004

My yard is paved with gold!

Hey! Another weekend! Huuuurahhhh! Everybody here is doin...Nothin' but fine! This link goes to the web site of the late great Jake Hess. My all time favorite gospel singer. Elvis was once asked who his favorite singer was and he replied without batting an eye Jake Hess! Jake was troubled with bad health most of his life but whenever some body asked him how he was doing he always replied, "Nothin' but fine!"

We are planning on taking a drive through the country when Brent gets home from school! We use to do that quite regularly but haven't done it in a while. The leaves are turning and falling and my yard looks like it has been paved with gold. I don't believe in raking! I think if the Lord doesn't want the leaves on my yard He will blow them away....which He always does eventually anyway. But as for me....I really don't care! :)

Monday, October 18, 2004

Just a note!

It has been a busy day. I have been studying for a National Government test that I need to take tomorow in Park Hills. I have also been working on a few sound tracks for "Our Calling"....a new southern gospel quartet that is forming and it looks like a may be singing with them. Brent is outside playing basketball with a friend, Seth is napping, and Teresa is in the kitchen fixin' up her famous pork chops! YUM! The latest news is that we have added a digital keyboard to the studio. A Yamaha. It has a great sound and a disk drive so I am able to create midi files or just save something I am working on. Well...I guess I'll close for now...not much elst to "report"

Monday, October 04, 2004

Throwed Rolls and Worry Warts!

Well, we ended up not going to the Outback. Brent decided on "Lambert's"...Home of the throwed roll! I had the BBQ pork steak and Brent had the 16 oz. Ribeye! And they were both out of this world (He gave me a bite of his). Mom-in-law went with us. Tomorow I go back to the prison. This month I celebrate (is that the right word?) nine....count 'em, nine years in law enforcement. Public Law Enforcement that is. You could add another4 for the private sector. I am now contemplating my life and the future. Where do I go from here? What would God have me to do? I have been offered a part time position playing piano for a brand spankin' new southern gospel quartet. I have been playin' and singin' solo for so long it may be a neat experience for me that may also open up new doors. I added a new song to my website, Walkin' & Talkin' With Jesus. I'm anxious to see how it does on the charts. I have to fast for 12 hours tonight....for medical reasons. I am being tested for diabetes tomorow...I'm not worried about that at all though. I'm the type of person who just doesn't hardly worry at all. I guess after you've been shot at and had a knife put to your throat and told you were fixin' to just don't worry about the little stuff any more. What good does it do to worry? Luke 12:25 says, "And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?" Christians would probably be a lot more happier and live longer if they would remember this. On a post note....The picture below is of the boys and their cousins Wade and Megan at Saturdays "party" and I also joined Googles click away at those adds here and mybe someday I can get the PA system I need....LOL!

Godspeed :)

Wade, Brent, Megan, and Seth! Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 02, 2004

WARNING: Teenager in the house!!!

Today we celebrated Brent's 13th birthday...which isn't until Monday. Teresa made a real good caramel cake. We gave Brent a racing game for his Game Cube, another Sponge Bob game, and a pair of jeans. He's happy with that! :) Not much else is going on here. I have to work tonight but then I'm off for the weekend. We are going to take Brent to Outback Steakhouse Monday...that's where he said he'd like to go. Teresa doesn't care for it but I like it. I ate there several times back when I was an Extradition Agent and traveling all over this great country. I ate some pretty good food back in those days. I've had Elk, Buffalo, and ostrich. The ostrich was my favorite. Always wanted to try gator but never got around to it. Seth seemed to enjoy Brent's birthday too. Well children, time for me to sign off so I can shave, shower, and perty myself up for work. Godspeed!