The Singing Cop

Jay Curtman - A Christian, a husband, A father, A Singer, And a Law Man - In that order.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Throwed Rolls and Worry Warts!

Well, we ended up not going to the Outback. Brent decided on "Lambert's"...Home of the throwed roll! I had the BBQ pork steak and Brent had the 16 oz. Ribeye! And they were both out of this world (He gave me a bite of his). Mom-in-law went with us. Tomorow I go back to the prison. This month I celebrate (is that the right word?) nine....count 'em, nine years in law enforcement. Public Law Enforcement that is. You could add another4 for the private sector. I am now contemplating my life and the future. Where do I go from here? What would God have me to do? I have been offered a part time position playing piano for a brand spankin' new southern gospel quartet. I have been playin' and singin' solo for so long it may be a neat experience for me that may also open up new doors. I added a new song to my website, Walkin' & Talkin' With Jesus. I'm anxious to see how it does on the charts. I have to fast for 12 hours tonight....for medical reasons. I am being tested for diabetes tomorow...I'm not worried about that at all though. I'm the type of person who just doesn't hardly worry at all. I guess after you've been shot at and had a knife put to your throat and told you were fixin' to just don't worry about the little stuff any more. What good does it do to worry? Luke 12:25 says, "And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?" Christians would probably be a lot more happier and live longer if they would remember this. On a post note....The picture below is of the boys and their cousins Wade and Megan at Saturdays "party" and I also joined Googles click away at those adds here and mybe someday I can get the PA system I need....LOL!

Godspeed :)