The Singing Cop

Jay Curtman - A Christian, a husband, A father, A Singer, And a Law Man - In that order.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Culinary Guinea Pig with 20/20 Vision!

Yep, I made it through another weekend with Cain & Abel (Brent and Seth) !! I had to go to Poplar Bluff yesterday and order glasses. Out of several hundred frames they had, my wife and I only agreed on one pair. I am old fashioned in taste and it could be argued that I was born 40 or 50 years too late. My wife, on the other hand, is fairly hip with a small flare for the conservative. Ahhh, well, I will have a decent pair of glasses in a few days and will be able to see things in a whole new light! My eye doctor said that my current prescription is too strong. That might explain why I shoot better at the range with my old old glasses. We ate at CiCi's pizza yesterday for luch....all you can eat for like $3.99!!! My MIL is staying with us a few days. We turned her water off so her pipes wouln't freeze (they always do when it gets cold).
She is handy to have around. She's a good cook and a great babysitter! Though Teresa is still doing most of the cooking. Teresa is an awesome cook too. She likes to try new things....and I don't mind being a culinary guinea pig!


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